Online platforms to learn Competitive Programming
Hey folks.. Time to code something out..!! To solve some real life problems in Computer science, here are some must visit sites:
For the beginners it is a very good platform to learn and practice coding. You can definitely start with some easy problems first, and when you feel you are comfortable try going the next level..!! You have many options in programming languages, for problem solving. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning today..!!
Here you get to solve many problems, made by the Codewars community. Here, you get points according to the level of difficulty of the problem (difficulty in terms of kyu). You can solve the problems in their own editor, where you get the option of choosing several languages. There is also a discussion for every problem you can go through..!!
A bit difficult than hackerrank to say, for those who have a good knowledge or a strong base upon any language can definitely go to Codechef and can start solving their challenges. Codechef has some good difficult questions and can definitely test a coder's solving approach.
In LeetCode, you can solve the challenges online directly in one of the nine programming languages. It is a popular coding platform which can help you prepare for your technical job interviews. Here, you will be shown your code's execution speed, and you will be able to compare the same with others.
This is a platform where you can learn about the programming topics from the very beginning, and the explanations are very easy to understand. To be honest, I have learnt a lot about programming. There are many topics which can be learnt are present there. Here, with step by step learning, you can also practice the same to become confident on the same and to understand it's syntax. So, to learn something, its a great platform. Another example of such platform is geeksforgeeks.
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